Setup Http Proxy

Recently, I spend some time working on setup a http proxy in synology nas server, it’s a little bit difficult firstly when I setup this first time, here I gonna write down how I setup a http proxy server.

  • First, you need get a virtual host that running the shadowsockes server, and start the shadownsocks server using docker:
  docker run  -e METHOD=aes-256-cfb -e PASSWORD=<password> -p 8388:8388 -p 8388:8388/udp -d shadowsocks/shadowsocks-libev
  • Then, on your laptop, run this to start up the proxy client:
  docker run -u root -d -p 1080:1080 shadowsocks/shadowsocks-libev:latest ss-local -s <server_ip> -p 8388 -b -l 1080 -k <password> -m aes-256-cfb
  • Now we already startup a proxy client using socks, if you need an http proxy, you need:
  docker run -u root -d -p 8080:8080 ginuerzh/gost:latest -L=:8080 -F=socks5://<local_ip>:1080

Now you can use local http proxy on synology

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