How we manage certs for openshift dedicated v4


In OpenShift Dedicated V4, we use Let’s Encrypt to sign the certs for OpenShift controle plane and Ingress router, we designed certman-operator to manage the certs deployed inside the cluster, for more details you can see Using Kubernetes Operators to Manage Let?s Encrypt SSL/TLS Certificates for Red Hat OpenShift Dedicated, here I how the certs is applied to target cluster.

How we deploy/update the certs to clusters

We manage v4 dedicated clusters using hive, it has a custom resource called clusterdeployment which defines everything about install a cluster, also includes the which certificates to use to secure the api.

  • when we create a cluster from, a clusterDeployment object created, and with configuration settings about which secret is used to store the signed certs.
  • certman-operator see new clusterDeployment created, then it try to request a signed certs following the ACME protocol.
  • after that, the certs is stored inside the secret that defined in clusterDeployment
  • hive operator will create a syncset that copy that secret to the target created cluster
  • openshift v4 have a apiserver operator, and have an CRD called, the custom resource named cluser have the configuration settigs about which secret to use to apply to the cluster, you can run oc get apiserver cluster -o yaml to see the configurations.
  • the apiserver operator is responsible for apply the certs to cluster,and when the secret is udpated, it will trigger a redeploy of the certs.
  • when the certs are expiring, cetman-opeator will renew the certs, and update the secret in the cluster running hive.
  • and the sysnset controller will copy the new certs to the target cluster, then the apiserver operator will apply the change.
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